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BizConnect Legal

Last updated: 03/10/2024


Welcome to BizConnect, the platform designed to connect businesses and foster growth opportunities through collaboration. Our mission is to facilitate meaningful connections between companies and users interested in their services. However, it is important to highlight some legal aspects in relation to the services offered by third parties through our platform.


Responsibility for Services: BizConnect acts solely as an intermediary that facilitates the connection between companies and potential clients. We do not participate directly in the provision of services or in commercial transactions between companies and users. Therefore, each company is fully responsible for the services it offers, including but not limited to the quality, safety, legality and delivery of said services.


Verification and Quality of Services: While BizConnect strives to connect our users with trusted companies, we do not carry out extensive verifications or guarantee the quality of services offered by the companies listed on our platform. We encourage users to conduct their own due diligence before engaging in services or entering into transactions.

Dispute Resolution: Any dispute related to services provided by a company found through BizConnect must be resolved directly between the user and the company in question. BizConnect is not responsible and has no obligation to mediate or resolve disputes arising from such transactions.


Limitation of Liability: In no event will BizConnect, its directors, employees or agents be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, the acquisition of substitute services, loss of use, data or profits; or business interruption) arising in any way related to the use of the platform, services obtained through the platform, or the inability to use the same, even if advised of the possibility of such damages .

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